Real Stories.

Real Change.

Featured Speaker:

Ganon Baker

Ganon Baker is regarded as one of the premier basketball player development coaches in the world. He pioneered the business in 2001 and has been doing it ever since.  

Featured Speaker:

Eric Daddario

Eric is a former Division 1 hockey player who now uses his voice to inspire youth, parents, and educators. He has traveled the nation and spoken to thousands of students, encouraging them to make healthy life decisions.

Featured Speaker:

April Hernandez Castillo

April’s platform as a Hollywood actor has allowed her to grace an array of audiences from juvenile detention facilities to some of the most prestigious stages, TEDx, Harvard, and Microsoft, to list a few. 


We invite you to have a look around and learn about our work and speakers!

We have videos, pictures, and literature to share with you. We believe together we can make a difference in the lives of students, families, and educators around the globe. Join us in creating a better tomorrow!


Let’s Talk:

IMPACTtruth represents some of the greatest comeback stories across the globe! 

April Hernandez
April is best known for her riveting performance as “Eva” in the hit movie Freedom Writers. However, April’s platform as a Hollywood actor has allowed her to grace an array of audiences from juvenile detention facilities to some of the most prestigious stages, TEDx, Harvard, and Microsoft, to list a few. Her inspirational story of resilience, overcoming adversity, and choosing to move forward no matter what happens in life is a message that resonates with audiences across the globe.
Chris Singleton
Chris Singleton became a nationally renowned speaker with a message of resilience, forgiveness, and unity following the loss of his mother in the 2015 Mother Emanuel Church Tragedy in Charleston, SC. Chris now travels the nation sharing his message of more love, less hate.
Drew is an inspiring, performance-boosting, motivational keynote speaker. His lived experiences have made him a highly respected authority on how mindset affects almost every aspect of our lives. His message extends well beyond health and fitness and has empowered millions worldwide.
Ganon Baker is regarded as one of the premier basketball player development coaches in the world. He pioneered the business in 2001 and has been doing it ever since. 
Juarez is an award-winning speaker, activist, and entrepreneur who fought the battle to leave the streets as a homeless teenager only to return to them as an activist after finishing college. Juarez has shared his message of hope, perseverance, and the power of higher education with over one million in 49 states and seven countries.
J.J. Soria
J.J. Soria has left an indelible mark on audiences worldwide for his extensive work as an actor. Soria’s work can be seen in award-winning productions such as The Purge, Crank: High Voltage, Fast & Furious, and Army Wives, just to name a few. While Soria has played many roles, his most significant has been both hero and antagonist in his own life. Passionate about helping others, Soria has decided to use his powerful platform to inspire.
DJ Johnson
Before spending nine years in the foster care system, DJ suffered child abuse, domestic abuse, and emotional trauma. At one point, he wanted to end his life, but he realized that he was on this earth for a purpose. He worked hard to overcome a life full of hardships, humiliation, aggression, and self-esteem issues, allowing him to be an active advocate for youth.
Susie Reynolds Reece
Reece is best known for facilitating and implementing engaging training that expands team member capabilities and promotes community improvement. Reece is an established public speaker, author, and training program developer beyond her systemic development skills. Her expertise is in suicidology. Preventing alcohol and substance use, crisis prevention, and intervention. 
As a former foster youth, she was in and out of the system for over 15 years. In 2002, she began sharing her turbulent story of hope, forgiveness, and the power of education with youth, parents, and educators. Intending to help others see the good in the world, no matter what circumstances they face.

Stay tuned for more ongoing announcements through our social media platforms:

February 6, 2025

Finding Support OnlineWhere to Turn for HelpIn today’s digital age, help is often just a click away. Whether you’re struggling with mental health, financial difficulties, education, or finding community, there are countless online resources designed to provide guidance, support, and connection. Here are some of the best places to turn when you need help. 1.… Read More »Finding Support Online